
This page contains current and previous master thesis students. Additionally, information for perspective students

Current Students


Perspective BSc/MSc Students

You will be a part of the Networked Systems Security Group led by Prof. Panos Papadimitratos.

KTH Students (BSc/MSc)

If you are enrolled at KTH (doing a double degree or a SECCLO student), please do not hesitate to reach out at ahmhus at kth dot se. Make sure to have the subject as [Prespactive BSc/MSc Student], and include your CV and transcript.

We can explore topics that aligns with your profile and skill set. If you have a specific security & privacy-related idea(s), please include it in your email.

Other Students (most likely remote supervision)

Other non-KTH students are also welcome to contact me (please follow the exact requirements described above).